At RHEMA’s graduation in May 1979, Kenneth E. Hagin spoke the following prophecy over the graduates:
What is that sound?
What is that sound that I hear?
It’s the sound of many feet.
It’s the sound of beautiful feet.
It’s the sound of feet going forth with the Good News.
Who are these that make this sound
of tramp, tramp, tramp as they come—
as they go tramping along?
Who are these?
Yea, they are those chosen of the Lord, called of God, equipped by His Spirit.
Yea, they are those who have been loosed from the bondage of the enemy
and sent forth to set men free.
They’re those with the story of redemption,
The story of freedom,
The story of the glory of God.
Who are these that go forth ever-enlarging in number
and increasing in number?
Who are these?
Yea, they are those who do know their God.
They are those who do know His Word.
They are those who know the mighty Name—
The Name that’s above every name,
The Name of Jesus.
They’re those that know how to take that Name
And break the power of darkness over the lives,
The minds,
The bodies,
The spirits of men and set them free.
Yea, they are those with the message of deliverance,
the message of healing,
the message of victory,
the message of God.
Who are these?
From whence have they come?
Where are they going?
Yea, they come from the very bosom of the Father,
From the right hand of God.
For their Master, even the Lord Himself as He ascended on high,
gave gifts unto men.
And He gave some, apostles;
and some, prophets;
and some, evangelists;
and some, pastors, and teachers.
They come from the very throne of God—
From the right hand of authority.
Where are they going?
They’re going unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
They’re going where an empty hand is reaching out for help.
They’re going where a hungry cry—hungry for the bread of this life,
and hungry for the true Bread of Life—
He’s crying out for help.
They’re going around the world to tell the story,
To proclaim the message,
To do the work that God called them to do.