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In Him

Lomiah Nhongo

Many of us hear the term “in Him” among Christian circles and I, for one, did not really understand the magnitude of its significance. Paul writes that “all things were created through Him [Christ] and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-18, NKJV).

If all things live and have their being in Him (Acts 17:28) we should ask ourselves what that means for us as followers of Christ. Due to the fallen nature of man we were all born into a sinful nature. “But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man’s [Adam’s] offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many” (Romans 5:15, NKJV). Thank God for the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross! He was crucified for our transgressions and through a great exchange (propitiation) He became sin itself. We then who believe on Him are now in Him; we can live a victorious life and enjoy a restored relationship with God through Christ.

Let this great exchange and the miraculous power in the name of Jesus become more and more real to us! We operate now with the authority of Jesus; we have His same legal standing. Through faith we can ask anything in the name of Jesus and receive from God. You don’t approach the Father from a position of a beggar; you are standing as a joint heir with Christ Jesus. We can trust God — we can trust in His goodness and that He will fulfil His Word. The Bible records that if earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to their children how much more would God do? (Matthew 7:11). His very nature is goodness. In Malachi 3 God asks us to try Him, challenge His Word, and see if He will not cause it to perform.

Every word that comes out of the mouth of God produces a harvest; it can never return to Him void or empty-handed; it will accomplish His purposes (Isaiah 55:11). He did it for Hannah, Ruth, Rahab, and Mary. These recorded Bible heroines believed in God and cooperated with Him in the plan of redemption. This same God is still working in people’s lives today as we yield to His will. Abide in Him and He will abide in you (John 15:4). I am encouraging you to submit or re-dedicate your life to God by accepting Christ Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Let us stay connected to that fruitful, life-giving vine, and live a life that bears fruit accordingly.

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