I have three precious children who bring me so much joy. As I reflect on our relationship and remember them going through the different stages of life, hitting certain milestones, and obtaining certain achievements, there has been one thing that has touched my heart the most: my children wanting to spend time with me and hearing those words, “I love you!”.
It just makes all the hard work worth it!
It blesses me to hear my children appreciate both the big and small things I do for them, and when I hear those words “thank you!” and “you’re the best!” it makes me want to do even more.
It all flows from the relationship we have with each other and the time we spend together. The words they use are authentic, pure, and sincere — flowing from their heart straight to mine.
Don’t you think God wants the same? Doesn’t He want to spend time with us as well?
After all, we are His children! As our Father, He wants to hear our appreciation and gratitude for all that He is and all that He has done.
In John 4.24, Jesus said, ‘’God is Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth” (NKJV).
God wants our heart. Our worship must be authentic, pure, and sincere. Our worship is unique to us, for we are all different — just like my three children are. They each touch my heart in unique ways.
David wrote, “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34.1, NKJV).
David lived a lifestyle of authentic, pure, and sincere worship, regardless of his circumstances. He never tried to copy anyone else. He had a heart after God, and this pleased the Father.
I ask you today, how is your lifestyle of worship?
The word “lifestyle” means the way in which a person lives.
If I live a physically healthy lifestyle, I continually make healthy choices. It’s the way I live and this lifestyle comes with benefits. A couple of the benefits are a strong heart and a healthy body.
Similarly, if I live a lifestyle of worship, I worship continually. This lifestyle will bring strength and depth to my relationship with the Father. As I draw close to Him, He will draw close to me.
It is said that worship is the highest form of prayer. Why?
Because it’s all about Him.
When we worship, we are not coming to God with our petitions, needs, or requests. As His child, we come to our Father to love, acknowledge, and thank Him for who He is and all He has done.
So, like David, as you go about your busy life, be worshipping God with authentic, pure, and sincere worship. Love, acknowledge, and thank Him — and as you do, worship will flow from your heart to His and you will draw closer to Him more than ever.